Color and colorspaces
Numbers and Java
Feature detection
Globally define thresholds
Self-calibrate for different lights
Use the gimp/bot client on real images Getting an image performs a copy
Int[] = bufferedImage.getRGB(…)
Getting a pixel performs a multiplication
int v = bufferedImage.RGB(x,y)
offset = y*width + x
Memory in rows, not columns…so go
across rows and then down columns-Color and colorspaces
Numbers and Java
Feature detection
Globally define thresholds
Self-calibrate for different lights
Use the gimp/bot client on real images Getting an image performs a copy
Int[] = bufferedImage.getRGB(…)
Getting a pixel performs a multiplication
int v = bufferedImage.RGB(x,y)
offset = y*width + x
Memory in rows, not columns…so go
across rows and then down columns
Numbers and Java
Feature detection
Globally define thresholds
Self-calibrate for different lights
Use the gimp/bot client on real images Getting an image performs a copy
Int[] = bufferedImage.getRGB(…)
Getting a pixel performs a multiplication
int v = bufferedImage.RGB(x,y)
offset = y*width + x
Memory in rows, not columns…so go
across rows and then down columns-Color and colorspaces
Numbers and Java
Feature detection
Globally define thresholds
Self-calibrate for different lights
Use the gimp/bot client on real images Getting an image performs a copy
Int[] = bufferedImage.getRGB(…)
Getting a pixel performs a multiplication
int v = bufferedImage.RGB(x,y)
offset = y*width + x
Memory in rows, not columns…so go
across rows and then down columns