The implementation in this assignment focuses on a relaxation method described by Horn in section 11.7
in [3]. The technique minimizes a smoothness energy function and which is the energy function for
the image irradiance. The two functions are combined with
, where is a parameter that weights
the errors. With use of variational calculus, a solution is expressed in terms of differential equations. A
solution can also be obtained by minimizing the discretised energy functions. This approach was chosen for
the assignment since it is written out explicitly in the book.
in [3]. The technique minimizes a smoothness energy function and which is the energy function for
the image irradiance. The two functions are combined with
, where is a parameter that weights
the errors. With use of variational calculus, a solution is expressed in terms of differential equations. A
solution can also be obtained by minimizing the discretised energy functions. This approach was chosen for
the assignment since it is written out explicitly in the book.