本文介绍了一种基于自适应滤波算法的语音信号增强处理的方法。文中在扼要介绍了目前常用的语音增强方法的基础上,重点介绍了采用LMS算法的自适应语音增强系统。对三种LMS算法(基本LMS算法,符号误差LMS算法及NLMS算法)进行仔细研究,并用Matlab仿真实现,验证比较了三种算法的语音增强效果。-In this paper, a system of speech enhancement is discussed based on self-adaptive algorithm. On the basis of presenting an overview of a number of speech enhancement is described in detail based LMS algorithm.This paper researches sorts of LMS algorithms(the basic LMS algorithm,the sign error LMS algorithm and NLMS algorithm) in detail, and compares the three algorithm of speech enhancement effect with Matlab simulation validation.
speech enhancement.doc