
  • 所属分类:
  • WEB源码
  • 资源属性:
  • [Java] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
  • 文件大小:
  • 1.48mb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • 李*
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开发编程体验BBS—论坛目的是提供一个供编程者交流的平台,为广大编程者提供交流经验、探讨问题的社区。因此,编程体验BBS—论坛最基本的功能首先是发表主题,其次是其他人员根据主题发表自己的看法。此外,为了记录主题的发表者和主题的回复者信息,系统还需要提供用户注册和登录功能。只有注册的用户登录后才能够发表和回复主题,浏览者(游客)只能浏览主题信息。根据用户的角度及上面的分析,编程体验BBS—论坛需要具备以下功能:显示各论坛类别及版面、查看版面下所有根帖、查看精华帖子、查看自己发表的帖子、搜索帖子、查看根帖内容、用户注册、用户登录、发表帖子、回复帖子、进入后台、论坛类别管理、版面管理、用户管理和用户注册。-Development of programming experience in BBS forum is intended to provide an exchange platform for programming, for the majority of programmers to provide the exchange of experience, explore the problems of community. Therefore, BBS programming experience- Forum of the most basic function is first published theme, followed by other researchers published according to the theme of his own views. In addition, in order to record the theme and the theme of the poster published information, the system also needs to provide the user registration and login. Only registered users log in to post and reply to the theme, the browsing ( visitors ) can only browse the topic information. According to the user s angle and the above analysis, programming experience BBS forum will need to have the following functions: displaying each forum categories and layout view layout, all root post, view essence posts, view their own posts, web search, view the root post content, user registration, user login, pos







































































































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源码中国 www.ymcn.org