Abstract—In this work, we leverage hardware performance
counters-collected data to automatically group program fail-
ures that stem from closely related causes into clusters, which
can in turn help developers prioritize failures as well as
diagnose their causes. Hardware counters have been used
for performance analysis of software systems in the past. By
contrast, in this paper they are used as abstraction mechanisms
for program executions. The results of our feasibility studies
conducted on two widely-used applications suggest that hard-
ware counters-collected data can be used to reliably classify
counters-collected data to automatically group program fail-
ures that stem from closely related causes into clusters, which
can in turn help developers prioritize failures as well as
diagnose their causes. Hardware counters have been used
for performance analysis of software systems in the past. By
contrast, in this paper they are used as abstraction mechanisms
for program executions. The results of our feasibility studies
conducted on two widely-used applications suggest that hard-
ware counters-collected data can be used to reliably classify