多线程端口扫描器是实现计算机的端口的扫描,只要在在前台设置好所要扫描的IP、起始端口、结束端口以及所要用到的线程数,点击扫描,就可以扫描到所输入IP地址主机的开放端口,并显示在主窗体中;点击退出,则可以退出该程序。IP设置应为所在主机的IP地址,起始端口和结束端口应为0~65535之间的一个数,且起始端口应小于结束端口的大小。线程数为0~200之间的一个数。点击开始后就会运行,直到扫描完毕显示出开放端口,如果没有开放端口,则只显示扫描完毕。-Threaded port scanner is a computer port scanning, as long as in at the front desk set to scan IP, start, end port port as well as to the number of threads, click Scan, you can scan the input IP address host open ports, and displayed in the main form click to exit, then can exit the program. IP settings for the IP address of the host, the starting port and end port shall be 0 ~65535 between a starting port number, and should be less than the end port size. Thread number 0 ~200 between a number of. Click the start will run until finishing the scan, showing open port, if there is no open ports, only the display scan.
Port scanner.doc