function Px = per(x,n1,n2)
PER Estimate the spectrum of a process using the periodogram
--- -----
USAGE Px = per(x,n1,n2)
The spectrum of a process x is estimated using the periodogram.
x : input sequence
n1 : starting index, x(n1)
n2 : ending index, x(n2)
The periodogram is returned in Px using a linear scale.
If n1 and n2 are not specified the periodogram of the entire
sequence is computed.-function Px = per(x,n1,n2)
PER Estimate the spectrum of a process using the periodogram
USAGE Px = per(x,n1,n2)
The spectrum of a process x is estimated using the periodogram.
x : input sequence
n1 : starting index, x(n1)
n2 : ending index, x(n2)
The periodogram is returned in Px using a linear scale.
If n1 and n2 are not specified the periodogram of the entire
sequence is computed.
PER Estimate the spectrum of a process using the periodogram
--- -----
USAGE Px = per(x,n1,n2)
The spectrum of a process x is estimated using the periodogram.
x : input sequence
n1 : starting index, x(n1)
n2 : ending index, x(n2)
The periodogram is returned in Px using a linear scale.
If n1 and n2 are not specified the periodogram of the entire
sequence is computed.-function Px = per(x,n1,n2)
PER Estimate the spectrum of a process using the periodogram
USAGE Px = per(x,n1,n2)
The spectrum of a process x is estimated using the periodogram.
x : input sequence
n1 : starting index, x(n1)
n2 : ending index, x(n2)
The periodogram is returned in Px using a linear scale.
If n1 and n2 are not specified the periodogram of the entire
sequence is computed.