第二卷涵盖的基本原则和技术的具体制度和语言。它涉及的建模符号(语用,语义和语法的系统和语言) ,空间造型和简单的时间现象,而且这种专门题目为模块化(包括uml类图), petri网,活出序列图,状态图,和颞逻辑学,其中包括持续计算。最后,本书介绍的技术翻译和编译器开发的功能性,势在必行,模块化和并行编程语言。 -The second volume covers the basic principles and techniques of specifying systems and languages. It deals with modelling the semiotics (pragmatics, semantics and syntax of systems and languages), modelling spatial and simple temporal phenomena, and such specialized topics as modularity (incl. UML class diagrams), Petri nets, live sequence charts, statecharts, and temporal logics, including the duration calculus. Finally, the book presents techniques for interpreter and compiler development of functional, imperative, modular and parallel programming languages.
This book is targeted at late undergraduate to early graduate university students, and researchers of programming methodologies. Vol. 1 of this series is a prerequisite text.
This book is targeted at late undergraduate to early graduate university students, and researchers of programming methodologies. Vol. 1 of this series is a prerequisite text.
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