Dream3Dflash album management system with flash interface, ASP system, can run on any IIS support platform, not only can be used as a separate album system use, can also be embedded in ASP pages, more can be embedded into the asp space in HTML page. 3D album system needs a host to open FSO function.Dream3Dflash album management system with flash interface, ASP system, can run on any IIS support platform, not only can be used as a separate album system use, can also be embedded in ASP pages, more can be embedded into the asp space in HTML page. 3D album system needs a host to open FSO function.-Dream3Dflash album management system with flash interface, ASP system, can run on any IIS support platform, not only can be used as a separate album system use, can also be embedded in ASP pages, more can be embedded into the asp space in HTML page. 3D album system needs a host to open FSO function.