游戏网络数据包以及修改游戏内存数据等,以实现玩家用最少的时间和金钱去完成功力升级和过关斩将。虽然,现在对游戏外挂程序的“合法”身份众说纷纭,在这里我不想对此发表任何个人意见,让时间去说明一切吧-The so-called plug-in game, a game outside the subprogram, it can help the player to automatically generate the game action, modify the
Game network packets as well as modify the game memory data to the player with the least amount of time and money to complete the skill l
Level and through the trials. Although the game plug "legal" status have different opinions, I do not want this hair Table any personal views, so that the time to explain everything
游戏网络数据包以及修改游戏内存数据等,以实现玩家用最少的时间和金钱去完成功力升级和过关斩将。虽然,现在对游戏外挂程序的“合法”身份众说纷纭,在这里我不想对此发表任何个人意见,让时间去说明一切吧-The so-called plug-in game, a game outside the subprogram, it can help the player to automatically generate the game action, modify the
Game network packets as well as modify the game memory data to the player with the least amount of time and money to complete the skill l
Level and through the trials. Although the game plug "legal" status have different opinions, I do not want this hair Table any personal views, so that the time to explain everything