本系统使用C++进行系统的设计,系统实现了图书信息管理、读者信息管理、图书借阅管理、图书归还管理等功能模块。图书信息管理模块实现图书的新增、更改、删除、查询、显示和全删等功能;读者信息管理模块实现了对图书的添加、更改、删除、查询、显示和全删等功能;图书借阅管理模块实现了读者对图书的借阅管理;图书归还管理模块实现了读者对图书的归还管理。-This system use C++ for the design of the system, and the system realized the books information management, reader information management, library management, management of books return function modules. Book information management module implements the add of new books, change, delete, inquiry, display and delete all books Readers information management module implements book of add, modify, delete, inquiry, display and delete all Library management module implements readers of books lending management Return the books management module implements the reader for the return of the management.
library system.doc