The Hilbert–Huang method is presented with modifications,
for time-frequency analysis of distorted power quality signals.
The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is enhanced with
masking signals based on fast Fourier transform (FFT), for separating
frequencies that lie within an octave. Further, the instantaneous
frequency and amplitude of the constituent modes obtained
by Hilbert spectral analysis are improved by demodulation. The
method shows promising time-frequency-magnitude localization
capabilities for distorted power quality signals. The performance
of the new technique is compared with that of another multiresolution
analysis tool, the S-transform—a phase corrected wavelet
transform. Analysis on actual measurements of transformer inrush
current from an existing laboratory setup is used to demonstrate
this technique.
for time-frequency analysis of distorted power quality signals.
The empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is enhanced with
masking signals based on fast Fourier transform (FFT), for separating
frequencies that lie within an octave. Further, the instantaneous
frequency and amplitude of the constituent modes obtained
by Hilbert spectral analysis are improved by demodulation. The
method shows promising time-frequency-magnitude localization
capabilities for distorted power quality signals. The performance
of the new technique is compared with that of another multiresolution
analysis tool, the S-transform—a phase corrected wavelet
transform. Analysis on actual measurements of transformer inrush
current from an existing laboratory setup is used to demonstrate
this technique.
An improved Hilbert-Huang method for analysis of time-varying waveforms in power quality.pdf