|-DSxP OPC Simulator 1.2.exe 测试用的OPC服务器
|-OPC Core Components 2.00 SDK 2.30.msi OPC程序开发包
|-SetupOPCTestClient.exe 测试用的OPC客户端
|-WinTECH Software 提供OPC开发包的网站.url 一个不错的外文网站,wtclient.zip和wtopcsvr.zip就是从那下的,还有其它一些有用东西
|-wtclient.zip 一个免费的开发OPC客户端的库,提供API接口。压缩包里有它的示例程序
|-wtopcsvr.zip 一个免费的开发OPC服务器端的库,提供API接口。压缩包里有它的示例程序
|-其它文档 我搜集到的一些资料
|-基于OPC 的沥青拌和楼温控系统的设计.pdf
|-基于OPC规范的客户应用程序实现 .doc
|-浅涉OPC Client_Visual C++- 技术文章-.mht
|-标准文档 OPC官方文档,可能有点旧了,可以去他的官方网站上找一下
|-OPC数据访问服务器规范204.DOC-|-The OPC Data
|-DSxP OPC Simulator 1.2.exe test with the OPC server
|-OPC Core Components 2.00 SDK 2.30.msi OPC application development package
|-SetupOPCTestClient.exe test OPC client
| Of-WinTECH Software OPC Development Kit Web site. The url of a good foreign language websites,
wtclient.zip and wtopcsvr.zip Since under, there are some other useful things
|-wtclient.zip a free development of OPC client
Library that provides the API interface. Compressed bundle the sample program
-wtopcsvr.zip a free development of the OPC server-side
The library provides an API interface. Compressed bundle the sample program
- Other documents I have collected some information
|-C data type conversion finishing. Mht
|-OPC client implementation of key technologies. Doc
|- OPC-based temperature control system of asphalt mixing plant design pdf
- Based on OPC client application implementation. Doc
|- Shallow involving OPC the Client_Visual C- Technical Articles- mht
|- The standard docum
|-DSxP OPC Simulator 1.2.exe 测试用的OPC服务器
|-OPC Core Components 2.00 SDK 2.30.msi OPC程序开发包
|-SetupOPCTestClient.exe 测试用的OPC客户端
|-WinTECH Software 提供OPC开发包的网站.url 一个不错的外文网站,wtclient.zip和wtopcsvr.zip就是从那下的,还有其它一些有用东西
|-wtclient.zip 一个免费的开发OPC客户端的库,提供API接口。压缩包里有它的示例程序
|-wtopcsvr.zip 一个免费的开发OPC服务器端的库,提供API接口。压缩包里有它的示例程序
|-其它文档 我搜集到的一些资料
|-基于OPC 的沥青拌和楼温控系统的设计.pdf
|-基于OPC规范的客户应用程序实现 .doc
|-浅涉OPC Client_Visual C++- 技术文章-.mht
|-标准文档 OPC官方文档,可能有点旧了,可以去他的官方网站上找一下
|-OPC数据访问服务器规范204.DOC-|-The OPC Data
|-DSxP OPC Simulator 1.2.exe test with the OPC server
|-OPC Core Components 2.00 SDK 2.30.msi OPC application development package
|-SetupOPCTestClient.exe test OPC client
| Of-WinTECH Software OPC Development Kit Web site. The url of a good foreign language websites,
wtclient.zip and wtopcsvr.zip Since under, there are some other useful things
|-wtclient.zip a free development of OPC client
Library that provides the API interface. Compressed bundle the sample program
-wtopcsvr.zip a free development of the OPC server-side
The library provides an API interface. Compressed bundle the sample program
- Other documents I have collected some information
|-C data type conversion finishing. Mht
|-OPC client implementation of key technologies. Doc
|- OPC-based temperature control system of asphalt mixing plant design pdf
- Based on OPC client application implementation. Doc
|- Shallow involving OPC the Client_Visual C- Technical Articles- mht
|- The standard docum
OPC资料\DSxP OPC Simulator 1.2.exe
.......\OPC Core Components 2.00 SDK 2.30.msi
.......\........\基于OPC 的沥青拌和楼温控系统的设计.pdf
.......\........\基于OPC规范的客户应用程序实现 .doc
.......\........\浅涉OPC Client_Visual C++- 技术文章-.mht
.......\OPC Core Components 2.00 SDK 2.30.msi
.......\........\基于OPC 的沥青拌和楼温控系统的设计.pdf
.......\........\基于OPC规范的客户应用程序实现 .doc
.......\........\浅涉OPC Client_Visual C++- 技术文章-.mht