Using file io functions in Matlab is a bit of confusion due to the variety and the issue of vectorisation.
In the following snippet data is read back using:
fscanf : creates a vector row by row
textread (or its replacement textscan): creates matrix
importdata: creates matrix
load: creates matrix-Using file io functions in Matlab is a bit of confusion due to the variety and the issue of vectorisation.
In the following snippet data is read back using:
fscanf : creates a vector row by row
textread (or its replacement textscan): creates matrix
importdata: creates matrix
load: creates matrix
In the following snippet data is read back using:
fscanf : creates a vector row by row
textread (or its replacement textscan): creates matrix
importdata: creates matrix
load: creates matrix-Using file io functions in Matlab is a bit of confusion due to the variety and the issue of vectorisation.
In the following snippet data is read back using:
fscanf : creates a vector row by row
textread (or its replacement textscan): creates matrix
importdata: creates matrix
load: creates matrix
Reading text files in Matlab.docx