本文既写了在Windows中怎样用VC控件MSComm,又说明了API技术编程方法,在写用MSComm控件时,数据类型的转换说得不是太明白,初次涉猎串口编程的朋友恐怕看了还是编不出来;直接从底层编写的部分值得一读,说得较为详细,但你得先从VC教本上看一看什么是线程。-This paper is written in Windows using VC control how MSComm, and shows the API technology programming method, and write in with MSComm control, data type conversion s not understand too, first dabbled in serial programming friends I m afraid or make up not see come out From the bottom part of the direct written is worth reading, say more in detail, but you have to start from the VC on its descendants see what is the thread.