如何对函数调用进行优化对于C语言非常重要,因为函数调用的花费很大并且在代码中经常出现。文章讨论了一种对函数调用的优化处理的途径及实现中的几个关键问题和它们的解决方法。 更多还原
-How to optimize function call is very important for function language such as C,because it is often expen-sive to call a function and pass parameters between caller and callee,and function call occurs very frequency.In this paper,the authors discuss a method to optimize function call,such as how to optimize function’s prologue codes,and propound some key issues within implementation and a way to handle them
-How to optimize function call is very important for function language such as C,because it is often expen-sive to call a function and pass parameters between caller and callee,and function call occurs very frequency.In this paper,the authors discuss a method to optimize function call,such as how to optimize function’s prologue codes,and propound some key issues within implementation and a way to handle them
A Method to Optimize Function Call.pdf