这本包含最新资料的完整书籍,反映出被ANSI/ISO C++语言标准规格书纳入的C++标准程序库的最新组成。更明确地说,这本书将焦点放在标准模板库身上,检验其中的容器、迭代器、仿函数和算法。读者还可以找到特殊容、字串、数值类别、国际化议题、IOStream。每一个元素都有深刻的呈现,包括其介绍、设计、运用实例、细部解说、陷阱、意想不到的危险,以及相关类别和函数的精确樯记式和定义式。-This book contains the latest complete data reflects is ANSI/ISO C++ language standard specifications included in the C++ standard library' s latest composition. More specifically, this book will focus on the standard template library who tested one of the containers, iterators, functors and algorithms. Readers can also find specific content, strings, numerical classes, internationalization issues, IOStream. Each element has a profound presentation, including its introduction, the design, use of examples, detailed explanations, trap, unexpected danger, and related types and functions of mast-recording and precise definition of style.
C++ 标准程序库 简体中文版.pdf