MSISDN - Mobile subscriber International ISDN Number
International number for mobile subscriber that includes at most 15 digits
Mapping to Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN) by HLR
Country Code (CC( + National Destination Code (NDC( + Subscriber Number (SN(
Example: 98912347658
IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity
International number that Uniquely Identifies the User (SIM Card) and is stored in SIM Card, HLR and VLR
unique 15 digits assigned-
MSISDN - Mobile subscriber International ISDN Number
International number for mobile subscriber that includes at most 15 digits
Mapping to Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN) by HLR
Country Code (CC( + National Destination Code (NDC( + Subscriber Number (SN(
Example: 98912347658
IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity
International number that Uniquely Identifies the User (SIM Card) and is stored in SIM Card, HLR and VLR
unique 15 digits assigned
4-GSM Operation.ppt