
  • 所属分类:
  • Oracle数据库
  • 资源属性:
  • [PDF]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
  • 文件大小:
  • 2.46mb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • subrah******
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A database administrator s responsibilities can include the following tasks:

Installing and upgrading the Oracle server and application tools

Allocating system storage and planning future storage requirements for the database system

Creating primary database storage structures (tablespaces) after application developers have designed an application

Creating primary objects (tables, views, indexes) once application developers have designed an application

Modifying the database structure, as necessary, from information given by application developers

Enrolling users and maintaining system security

Ensuring compliance with your Oracle license agreement

Controlling and monitoring user access to the database

Monitoring and optimizing the performance of the database

Planning for backup and recovery of database information

Maintaining archived data on tape

Backing up and restoring the database

Contacting Oracle Corporation for technical support

-A database administrator s responsibilities can include the following tasks:

  Installing and upgrading the Oracle server and application tools

  Allocating system storage and planning future storage requirements for the database system

  Creating primary database storage structures (tablespaces) after application developers have designed an application

  Creating primary objects (tables, views, indexes) once application developers have designed an application

  Modifying the database structure, as necessary, from information given by application developers

  Enrolling users and maintaining system security

  Ensuring compliance with your Oracle license agreement

  Controlling and monitoring user access to the database

  Monitoring and optimizing the performance of the database

  Planning for backup and recovery of database information

  Maintaining archived data on tape

  Backing up and restoring the database

  Contacting Oracle Corporation for technical support



DB admin .pdf


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