采用十字链表的形式实现图书租阅管理系统。建立图书类别的动态链表,根据不同的类别建立不同的图书信息动态链表,依据不同的图书建立对应的读者动态链表进而形成链表的三级结构。通过对不同动态链表的遍历,实现数据的显示及数据的修改,删除操作,更新操作,采用头插法或尾插法来实现链表的插入操作。-This system mainly completes the bookstore book rental management. Function module, data entry, such as the book information, book information, for reading information input data modification, such as book information, book information, rent read information modification data delete, books category, book information, rent the viewers delete information data display, book, book information rent, reading the display of information data insertion, books category, book information, rent reading information insertion data statistics, books category, book number rent rent read, reading overdue arrears statistics.
Technical descr iption: the cross in the form of rent read books management system. Establishment of book category of the dynamic list, according to the different categories to establish different books information dynamic list, according to the different books to establish corresponding reader dynamic list and form a list of three level structure. According to the different
采用十字链表的形式实现图书租阅管理系统。建立图书类别的动态链表,根据不同的类别建立不同的图书信息动态链表,依据不同的图书建立对应的读者动态链表进而形成链表的三级结构。通过对不同动态链表的遍历,实现数据的显示及数据的修改,删除操作,更新操作,采用头插法或尾插法来实现链表的插入操作。-This system mainly completes the bookstore book rental management. Function module, data entry, such as the book information, book information, for reading information input data modification, such as book information, book information, rent read information modification data delete, books category, book information, rent the viewers delete information data display, book, book information rent, reading the display of information data insertion, books category, book information, rent reading information insertion data statistics, books category, book number rent rent read, reading overdue arrears statistics.
Technical descr iption: the cross in the form of rent read books management system. Establishment of book category of the dynamic list, according to the different categories to establish different books information dynamic list, according to the different books to establish corresponding reader dynamic list and form a list of three level structure. According to the different