本书分为三部分:过程化程序设计,时间程序设计,面向对象的程序设计,每一部分都有作者验证过的典型c++源程序,作者站在初学者的角度编写的这本书,是按照本科计算机专业实际学习来编排的,作者以一种新颖而容易的角度使广大学者对c++充满兴趣。(附,不可用于商业用途,仅供学习参考,否则引起纠纷自己承担)-This book is divided into three parts: procedural programming, time programming, object-oriented programming, each part of the author verified the typical c++ source code, the authors point of standing beginners written this book, is undergraduate computer science according to the actual layout of the study, the authors in a new and easy point to make the majority of scholars of the c++ is full of interest. (With, can not be used for commercial purposes, only a reference or disputes themselves)
easy C++.pdf