assingment problem
With this package, I provide some MATLAB-functions regarding the rectangular assignment problem. This problem appears for example in tracking applications, where one has M existing tracks and N new measurements. For each possible assignment, a cost or distance is computed. All cost values form a matrix, where the row index corresponds to the tracks and the column index corresponds to the measurements. The provided functions return an optimal or suboptimal assignment - in the sense of minimum overall costs - for the given matrix.
With this package, I provide some MATLAB-functions regarding the rectangular assignment problem. This problem appears for example in tracking applications, where one has M existing tracks and N new measurements. For each possible assignment, a cost or distance is computed. All cost values form a matrix, where the row index corresponds to the tracks and the column index corresponds to the measurements. The provided functions return an optimal or suboptimal assignment - in the sense of minimum overall costs - for the given matrix.