科学与工程数值算法〔Visual C++版〕
本书介绍了在科学与工程实际工作中常用的数值计算算法的原理和Visual C++编程方法。本书分为7章,前6章分别讨论了复数运算、矩阵运算、线性代数方程组的求解、非线性方程与方程组的求解、插值和数值积分等的面向对象编程方法,涉及使用频率非常高的近90个基本算法,按功能设计成了6类。第7章将这些算法类集成到一个静态库和一个动态库中,可以直接使用。每章节都用Visual C++程序示例了算法和算法库的调用方式。
本书适合涉及科学与工程数值计算工作的科研人员、工程技术人员、管理人员以及大专院校相关专业的师生参考阅读。-science and engineering numerical algorithm- Visual C++ version. This book describes the practical work in science and engineering numerical algorithm used in the principles and Visual C++ programming methods. This book is divided into seven chapters, the first six chapters discuss the complex arithmetic, matrix operations, linear Solving algebraic equations, nonlinear equations and solving equations, interpolation and numerical integration of surface To object programming, involving the use of very high frequency of nearly 90 basic algorithm, designed by function Six categories. Chapter 7 class of these algorithms will be integrated into a static library and a dynamic library can be directly Use. Each chapter of Visual C++ program with examples of algorithms and algorithm library called. Book is suitable for numerical calculation involved in the work of science and engineering researchers, engineers, management As well as relevant professional institutions and students refer to readin
本书介绍了在科学与工程实际工作中常用的数值计算算法的原理和Visual C++编程方法。本书分为7章,前6章分别讨论了复数运算、矩阵运算、线性代数方程组的求解、非线性方程与方程组的求解、插值和数值积分等的面向对象编程方法,涉及使用频率非常高的近90个基本算法,按功能设计成了6类。第7章将这些算法类集成到一个静态库和一个动态库中,可以直接使用。每章节都用Visual C++程序示例了算法和算法库的调用方式。
本书适合涉及科学与工程数值计算工作的科研人员、工程技术人员、管理人员以及大专院校相关专业的师生参考阅读。-science and engineering numerical algorithm- Visual C++ version. This book describes the practical work in science and engineering numerical algorithm used in the principles and Visual C++ programming methods. This book is divided into seven chapters, the first six chapters discuss the complex arithmetic, matrix operations, linear Solving algebraic equations, nonlinear equations and solving equations, interpolation and numerical integration of surface To object programming, involving the use of very high frequency of nearly 90 basic algorithm, designed by function Six categories. Chapter 7 class of these algorithms will be integrated into a static library and a dynamic library can be directly Use. Each chapter of Visual C++ program with examples of algorithms and algorithm library called. Book is suitable for numerical calculation involved in the work of science and engineering researchers, engineers, management As well as relevant professional institutions and students refer to readin
科学与工程数值算法〔Visual C++版〕.pdf