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接着要做的事就是指定我们的图片要从哪里写入(即写入的XY坐标,这个是最关键,也是最难理解的部分)。因为我们这里是显示一整个画面的图片,所以我们就从12864的第一个点开始显示。那这个点的坐标是怎么定位的呢?我们往这个点写入数据后,要是接着再写数据,那坐标值会怎样变化呢?首先我们要弄清楚12864究竟是怎么把数据写入到GDRAM(绘图显示RAM)中去的。12864(ST7920驱动芯片)把屏幕分成上下两部分(如上图中把垂直坐标分成了两部分的00~1F)。当我们把坐标值写给LCD后(怎么写后面会说),ST7920控制芯片对LCD屏幕的控制过程可以用下面的图片来表示:(后来发现下面那幅图片有点问题……它这里在水平坐标上的00到0F,应该理解为是同一面的,也就是在12864上,水平坐标00到0F处于同一面,而不是上下屏的关系,[看00行]其实大家只要看箭头,明白控制芯片是按什么顺序写GDRAM的就可以了^_^)-Then to do is specify where to write from our picture (that is, write the XY coordinates of the

Is the most critical part is the hardest to understand). Because we are here is to show an entire screen map

Film, so we first point from the 12864 beginning to show. That the coordinates of this point is how determined

Bit of it? We write data to this point, if followed by write data, that coordinates what would happen

Change? First we must clarify what is 12864 how to write data to the GDRAM (graphics display

Display RAM) to go. 12864 (ST7920 driver chips) to the screen is divided into two parts (as

Figure in the vertical coordinate is divided into two parts of 00 ~ 1F). When we wrote the LCD after the coordinate values ​ ​ (how

Why write back would say), ST7920 control chip on the LCD screen of the control process can use the following diagram

Pieces to represent: (The following photograph picture a little later found the problem ... it s here in the horizontal c




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