本源码为易语言源码,同时本源码为完整版,包含了数据库在内,希望尊重版权,请勿加入任何恶意信息,允许修改数据库增加新的后缀名,数据库本身没有加密码-File extension name resolver, by definition is the file extension parsing, if you do not know what the suffix name, simply enter the suffix you can check the source code for easy language code, while the full version of this source, including the database included, want to respect copyright, do not include any malicious information, allows you to modify the database to add new extension, the database itself does not add a password
本源码为易语言源码,同时本源码为完整版,包含了数据库在内,希望尊重版权,请勿加入任何恶意信息,允许修改数据库增加新的后缀名,数据库本身没有加密码-File extension name resolver, by definition is the file extension parsing, if you do not know what the suffix name, simply enter the suffix you can check the source code for easy language code, while the full version of this source, including the database included, want to respect copyright, do not include any malicious information, allows you to modify the database to add new extension, the database itself does not add a password