根据炼铁新厂煤气放散塔自控系统的运行情况, 从RockW e ll工控软件RsL inx 入手, 分析了RsL inx 软件的通
讯方式, 提出了采用动态数据交换技术的通讯方案。并用Delphi编制程序, 实现了数据远传和显示, 声音报警等功
能, 保证了煤气系统安全运行。同时也为数据存储, 不同工控系统数据交换提供了一种方法-The deve lopm ent program o f dynam ic da ta exchange techno logy is put forw ard, w hich focuses on Rs linx of RockW e ll
and ana lyses the communication m ode o f RsL inx based on the ope ration of au tom atic system of gas deso rption tower atN ew Iron..
m ak ing P lant. It rea lizes the functions such as d istanced da ta transferw ith v ision, vo ice and alarm by programm ing w ith De lph i
and ensures gas sy stem to ope rate safe ly . It also prov ides am ethod for data sav ing and data exchange.
讯方式, 提出了采用动态数据交换技术的通讯方案。并用Delphi编制程序, 实现了数据远传和显示, 声音报警等功
能, 保证了煤气系统安全运行。同时也为数据存储, 不同工控系统数据交换提供了一种方法-The deve lopm ent program o f dynam ic da ta exchange techno logy is put forw ard, w hich focuses on Rs linx of RockW e ll
and ana lyses the communication m ode o f RsL inx based on the ope ration of au tom atic system of gas deso rption tower atN ew Iron..
m ak ing P lant. It rea lizes the functions such as d istanced da ta transferw ith v ision, vo ice and alarm by programm ing w ith De lph i
and ensures gas sy stem to ope rate safe ly . It also prov ides am ethod for data sav ing and data exchange.