姿态信息是飞行控制中最关键的参数之一,因此姿态测量成为飞行控制系统首要解决的问题。利用多MEMS传感器研制了一种微型姿态测量系统。利用三轴MEMS加速度计和三轴MEMS陀螺数据,由方向余弦矩阵的姿态表示形式推导了扩展Kalman滤波方程,解算出飞行器的俯仰角和横滚角 设计专家系统判断飞行器的运动状态,并根据该状态调整滤波算法中的测量噪声矩阵,使系统可同时满足静态情况和动态情况的使用 利用空速和高度数据对俯仰角进行修正,利用GPS解算航向角。将实验结果与国外最新
- The attitude information is one of the most important
parameters in flight control systems. This paper describes an
attitude measurement system based on a MEMS multi-sensor. The
data from 3-axis MEMS accelerators and 3-axis MEMS gyros is used
to determine the pitch angle and the roll angle of the air vehicle using
an extended Kalman filter (EKF) equation deduced from the
direction cosine matrix. An expert system was designed to estimate
the vehicle motion to adjust the measurement noise matrix of the
extended Kalman filter equation so that the system can be used in
dynamic as well as static environments. The measured airspeed and
altitude are also used to revise the pitch angle. The heading is
determined from GPS information. Test results compare well with
an imported commercial autopilot in a static test with less accurate
results in a dynamic test.
- The attitude information is one of the most important
parameters in flight control systems. This paper describes an
attitude measurement system based on a MEMS multi-sensor. The
data from 3-axis MEMS accelerators and 3-axis MEMS gyros is used
to determine the pitch angle and the roll angle of the air vehicle using
an extended Kalman filter (EKF) equation deduced from the
direction cosine matrix. An expert system was designed to estimate
the vehicle motion to adjust the measurement noise matrix of the
extended Kalman filter equation so that the system can be used in
dynamic as well as static environments. The measured airspeed and
altitude are also used to revise the pitch angle. The heading is
determined from GPS information. Test results compare well with
an imported commercial autopilot in a static test with less accurate
results in a dynamic test.