吉他店程序实现 C++吉他店及店内库存乐器类管理程序,C++程序
一共有四个类,不仅可以卖吉他,还有其他类的乐器可以出售,而且,要提供初始化库存信息,所以用了TXT文件输入输出,比较简单,还有可以根据不同的属性查询乐器,有:名称,价格,制造商,背板材料,模型,类型等,而且如果没有此乐器,要显示库存没有,我又增添了乐器出库(卖出)四个类:1、库存管理员类 2、仓库类 3、乐器类 4、吉他店类(组合类)-Program for the guitar shop guitar shops and C++ class musical instruments store inventory management procedures, C++ program, a total of four classes, not only to sell the guitar, there are other types of instruments can be sold, and to initialize the inventory information provided, so use the TXT file input and output, is relatively simple, there can attribute query based on different instruments, are: name, price, manufacturer, Beiban material, model, type 等, and without this instrument, to display the inventory does not, I add the instrument out of library (sold) four categories: 1, class 2 inventory manager, storage class 3, class 4 instruments, guitar shop class (combined class)
一共有四个类,不仅可以卖吉他,还有其他类的乐器可以出售,而且,要提供初始化库存信息,所以用了TXT文件输入输出,比较简单,还有可以根据不同的属性查询乐器,有:名称,价格,制造商,背板材料,模型,类型等,而且如果没有此乐器,要显示库存没有,我又增添了乐器出库(卖出)四个类:1、库存管理员类 2、仓库类 3、乐器类 4、吉他店类(组合类)-Program for the guitar shop guitar shops and C++ class musical instruments store inventory management procedures, C++ program, a total of four classes, not only to sell the guitar, there are other types of instruments can be sold, and to initialize the inventory information provided, so use the TXT file input and output, is relatively simple, there can attribute query based on different instruments, are: name, price, manufacturer, Beiban material, model, type 等, and without this instrument, to display the inventory does not, I add the instrument out of library (sold) four categories: 1, class 2 inventory manager, storage class 3, class 4 instruments, guitar shop class (combined class)
吉他店——08计3班 韩善文 200800130043\Guit\Debug\Guit.exe
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