1.显示图的邻接矩阵, 图的邻接表, 深度优先遍历, 广度优先遍历, 最小生成树PRIM算法, 最小生成树KRUSCAL算法,图的连通分量。
3.通过图操作的实现,把一些实际生活中的具体的事物抽象出来-Shown FIG s adjacency matrix, graph the adjlink, depth-first traversal, breadth first traverse, minimum spanning tree minimum spanning tree PRIM algorithm, KRUSCAL algorithm, graph the connected components.
2. When the user chooses function mistake, the system will be output corresponding hints.
3. Through the realization of the operation, the graph of some actual life in the specific things abstract out
3.通过图操作的实现,把一些实际生活中的具体的事物抽象出来-Shown FIG s adjacency matrix, graph the adjlink, depth-first traversal, breadth first traverse, minimum spanning tree minimum spanning tree PRIM algorithm, KRUSCAL algorithm, graph the connected components.
2. When the user chooses function mistake, the system will be output corresponding hints.
3. Through the realization of the operation, the graph of some actual life in the specific things abstract out