我遇到过很多程序员和计算机系毕业的学生,也给很多程序员和计算机系毕业的学生讲解过《高级C 语言程序设计》 。每期班开课前,我总会问学生:你感觉C 语言学得怎么样?
难吗?指针明白吗?数组呢?内存管理呢?往往学生回答说:感觉还可以,C 语言不难,指针很明白,数组很简单,内存管理也不难。一般我会再问一个问题:通过这个班的学习,你想达到什么程度?很多学生回答:精通C语言。我告诉他们:我很无奈,也很无语。因为我完全在和一群业余者或者是 C语言爱好者在对话。你们大学的计算机教育根本就是在浪费你们的时间,念了几年大学,连 C语言的门都没摸着。现在大多数学校计算机系都开了 C、C++、Java、C#等等语言,好像什么都学了,但是什么都不会,更可悲的是有些大学居然取消了C语言课程,认为其过时了。我个人的观点是“十鸟在林,不如一鸟在手” ,真正把 C语言整明白了再学别的语言也很简单,如果C 语言都没整明白,别的语言学得再好也是花架子,因为你并不了解底层是怎么回事。当然我也从来不认为一个没学过汇编的人能真正掌握 C语言的真谛。我个人一直认为,普通人用 C 语言在3 年之下,一般来说,还没掌握 C语言;5年之下,一般来说还没熟悉 C语言;10年之下,谈不上精通-I met a lot of programmers and computer science graduates, but also to many programmers and computer science graduate students on-off "high-level C language programming." Before the start of each class, I always ask students: How do you feel C linguistics?
Difficult? Pointer understand? Array it? Memory management? Students often said: You can also feel, C language is not difficult, the pointer is very clear, the array is very simple memory management is not difficult. I will ask one general question: the learning through this class, you want to achieve what extent? Many students answered: proficient C language. I told them: I am helpless, and very silent. Because I am entirely in a group of amateur enthusiasts, or C language in the dialogue. Your university s computer education is simply a waste of your time, read a few years universities have not even touched the door of C language. Most schools have now opened the computer system C, C++, Java, C#, and so the language seems to have
难吗?指针明白吗?数组呢?内存管理呢?往往学生回答说:感觉还可以,C 语言不难,指针很明白,数组很简单,内存管理也不难。一般我会再问一个问题:通过这个班的学习,你想达到什么程度?很多学生回答:精通C语言。我告诉他们:我很无奈,也很无语。因为我完全在和一群业余者或者是 C语言爱好者在对话。你们大学的计算机教育根本就是在浪费你们的时间,念了几年大学,连 C语言的门都没摸着。现在大多数学校计算机系都开了 C、C++、Java、C#等等语言,好像什么都学了,但是什么都不会,更可悲的是有些大学居然取消了C语言课程,认为其过时了。我个人的观点是“十鸟在林,不如一鸟在手” ,真正把 C语言整明白了再学别的语言也很简单,如果C 语言都没整明白,别的语言学得再好也是花架子,因为你并不了解底层是怎么回事。当然我也从来不认为一个没学过汇编的人能真正掌握 C语言的真谛。我个人一直认为,普通人用 C 语言在3 年之下,一般来说,还没掌握 C语言;5年之下,一般来说还没熟悉 C语言;10年之下,谈不上精通-I met a lot of programmers and computer science graduates, but also to many programmers and computer science graduate students on-off "high-level C language programming." Before the start of each class, I always ask students: How do you feel C linguistics?
Difficult? Pointer understand? Array it? Memory management? Students often said: You can also feel, C language is not difficult, the pointer is very clear, the array is very simple memory management is not difficult. I will ask one general question: the learning through this class, you want to achieve what extent? Many students answered: proficient C language. I told them: I am helpless, and very silent. Because I am entirely in a group of amateur enthusiasts, or C language in the dialogue. Your university s computer education is simply a waste of your time, read a few years universities have not even touched the door of C language. Most schools have now opened the computer system C, C++, Java, C#, and so the language seems to have
C-depth anatomy.pdf