The newly adopted MPEG-4 Fine Granularity
Scalability (FGS) video coding standard offers full scalability to
enable easy and flexible adaptation to changing constraints and
different requirements. Encryption of an FGS stream should
preserve the full scalability. In this paper, we propose a novel
and low complexity scheme to encrypt MPEG-4 FGS streams
which enables full FGS functionalities. The encrypted FGS
stream can be processed by middle stages directly on the
ciphertext without decryption. In addition, the proposed scheme
has no degradation on either FGS compression efficiency or
error resilient performance, and allows random access.
Experimental results as well as a preliminary security analysis of
the proposed scheme are also included in this paper.
Scalability (FGS) video coding standard offers full scalability to
enable easy and flexible adaptation to changing constraints and
different requirements. Encryption of an FGS stream should
preserve the full scalability. In this paper, we propose a novel
and low complexity scheme to encrypt MPEG-4 FGS streams
which enables full FGS functionalities. The encrypted FGS
stream can be processed by middle stages directly on the
ciphertext without decryption. In addition, the proposed scheme
has no degradation on either FGS compression efficiency or
error resilient performance, and allows random access.
Experimental results as well as a preliminary security analysis of
the proposed scheme are also included in this paper.
Efficient and fully scalable encryption for MPEG-4 FGSEfficient and fully scalable encryption for MPEG-4 FGS.pdf