OGRE(Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine,即:面向对象图形渲染引擎)是一个用C++开发的面向场景、非常灵活的3D引擎,它旨在让开发人员更容易、更直接地利用硬件加速的3D图形系统开发应用。这个类库隐藏了底层系统库(如:Direct3D和OpenGL)的所有细节,提供了一个基于世界对象和其他直观类的接口。这官方出的一本书,极具参考价值-A new book covering the basics has just been published covering our latest stable version, Ogre 3D 1.7. It was created by our community member Felix <mirlix> Kerger and reviewed by some of our most respected and experienced users.
According to the author, the book covers topics ranging from the very simple beginnings, complex scene creation, post processing and Ogre extensions via plugins. In order to follow the book and its sample based approach you are only expected to already have some knowledge of C++.
More information about the book and a sample chapter can be accessed on the publisher’s homepage (“PacktPub”), where you can also directly buy the book.