The book can be used as a basis for one course, or a two course sequence, in digital communication. The following topics are covered: complex baseband representation of signals and noise (and its relation to modern transceiver
implementation) modulation (emphasizing linear modulation) demodulation
(starting from detection theory basics) communication over dispersive chan-
nels, including equalization and multicarrier modulation computation of performance benchmarks using information theory basics of modern coding strategies (including convolutional codes and turbo-like codes) and introduction to wireless communication. -The book can be used as a basis for one course, or a two course sequence, in digital communication. The following topics are covered: complex baseband representation of signals and noise (and its relation to modern transceiver
implementation) modulation (emphasizing linear modulation) demodulation
(starting from detection theory basics) communication over dispersive chan-
nels, including equalization and multicarrier modulation computation of performance benchmarks using information theory basics of modern coding strategies (including convolutional codes and turbo-like codes) and introduction to wireless communication.
implementation) modulation (emphasizing linear modulation) demodulation
(starting from detection theory basics) communication over dispersive chan-
nels, including equalization and multicarrier modulation computation of performance benchmarks using information theory basics of modern coding strategies (including convolutional codes and turbo-like codes) and introduction to wireless communication. -The book can be used as a basis for one course, or a two course sequence, in digital communication. The following topics are covered: complex baseband representation of signals and noise (and its relation to modern transceiver
implementation) modulation (emphasizing linear modulation) demodulation
(starting from detection theory basics) communication over dispersive chan-
nels, including equalization and multicarrier modulation computation of performance benchmarks using information theory basics of modern coding strategies (including convolutional codes and turbo-like codes) and introduction to wireless communication.
相关搜索: baseband