本程序设计优缺点:采用数组实现各项功能,简洁易懂,便于操作。功能包括: 1. 建立文件:能建立多个文件保存不同数据;载入:可从现有任意文件中载入数据;保存:可将输入的数据保存到现有文件中,建议新建文件,否则会覆盖原文件中数据。 2. 增加或删除学生数据,按学号查学生姓名、成绩(包括平均成绩),求总平均成绩和各科平均成绩。 3. 有各种排序功能:按学号排序、平均成绩排序、某门课成绩排序。 4. 不及格类统计:统计考试有不及格的学生、指定课程有不及格的学生、三门或三门以上课程不及格的学生及每门课不及格学生与总人数之比。 5. 分数段查询:.总成绩分段查询(如总成绩在300~400)、各门成绩分段查询(如各门成绩均在80~90),可轻松查询各分数段内的学生。 不足之处是学生数组以静态方式存储内存,利用率不高,且数组长度有限,不能动态添加。还有一点就是输出每门课成绩最好和最差的学生名单时,只能输出一位学生,即如果有俩个学生的成绩相同时,只能输出平均分高的学生。
-Data Processing System test scores
Advantages and disadvantages of the program design: use an array to achieve various functions and easy to read, easy to operate. Features include: 1. Create the file: Save the file to create multiple different data load: any file can be loaded from existing data Save: input data can be saved to an existing file, the proposed new document, otherwise it will overwrite the original file data. 2. Add or delete student data, student number search by name of student, grades (including grade point average), find the average scores and average grade subjects. 3. A variety of sorting: sort by student number, the average score ranking, sorting results of a course. 4. Failed class statistics: statistical tests are failing students, designated students who failed courses, three, or three or more courses failing students and failing students in each course and the ratio of the total number. 5. Score segment query:. A total score of sub-queries (such as the tot
本程序设计优缺点:采用数组实现各项功能,简洁易懂,便于操作。功能包括: 1. 建立文件:能建立多个文件保存不同数据;载入:可从现有任意文件中载入数据;保存:可将输入的数据保存到现有文件中,建议新建文件,否则会覆盖原文件中数据。 2. 增加或删除学生数据,按学号查学生姓名、成绩(包括平均成绩),求总平均成绩和各科平均成绩。 3. 有各种排序功能:按学号排序、平均成绩排序、某门课成绩排序。 4. 不及格类统计:统计考试有不及格的学生、指定课程有不及格的学生、三门或三门以上课程不及格的学生及每门课不及格学生与总人数之比。 5. 分数段查询:.总成绩分段查询(如总成绩在300~400)、各门成绩分段查询(如各门成绩均在80~90),可轻松查询各分数段内的学生。 不足之处是学生数组以静态方式存储内存,利用率不高,且数组长度有限,不能动态添加。还有一点就是输出每门课成绩最好和最差的学生名单时,只能输出一位学生,即如果有俩个学生的成绩相同时,只能输出平均分高的学生。
-Data Processing System test scores
Advantages and disadvantages of the program design: use an array to achieve various functions and easy to read, easy to operate. Features include: 1. Create the file: Save the file to create multiple different data load: any file can be loaded from existing data Save: input data can be saved to an existing file, the proposed new document, otherwise it will overwrite the original file data. 2. Add or delete student data, student number search by name of student, grades (including grade point average), find the average scores and average grade subjects. 3. A variety of sorting: sort by student number, the average score ranking, sorting results of a course. 4. Failed class statistics: statistical tests are failing students, designated students who failed courses, three, or three or more courses failing students and failing students in each course and the ratio of the total number. 5. Score segment query:. A total score of sub-queries (such as the tot