本系统是一个在多媒体PC 上实现的孤立词识别系统, 它提取语音的线性预测系数作为特征参数, 并采用Itaku ra 失真测度计算帧间距离, 在识别上则使用了动态时轴弯曲(DTW ) 进行时间匹配。本系统对一般的DTW 法作了改进, 即通过放宽端点限制以得到更好的语音匹配, 克服了一般DTW 法要求语音首尾严格对齐而造成的弊病, 降低了语音端点检测的精度要求。-This system is implemented on a multimedia PC isolated word recognition system, it extracts the voice of the linear prediction coefficient as the feature parameters, and calculated using Itaku ra fr a me distortion measure distance, in recognition of the dynamic time is used on the shaft bending (DTW ) for time matching. The system has been improved in general DTW method, namely, by relaxing restrictions in order to get a better endpoint voice match, to overcome the sum of the general DTW law requires strict alignment of voice caused by defects, reducing the speech endpoint detection accuracy.
相关搜索: DTW