车站售票管理系统是一套适用于各公路客运站的管理软件。用户可在本系统中实现方便、快速的销售功能,包括车票的预订和退票的功能,能够支持团体的预订票和退票;能准确地了解售票情况,提供多种查询和统计功能,如车次的查询、时刻表的查询;能按情况所需实现对车次的更改、票价的变动及调度功能;有完善的报表系统;具有一定的维护功能。并统计分析系统提供的各种统计信息表,便于顾客购票,也便于领导准确了解营收、客源等情况,并及时做出策略调整。-Station ticket management system is a terminal for the road management software. Users can easily implement this system, rapid sales functions, including ticket booking and refund the features to support group booking tickets and refund can accurately understand the ticket, and to provide a variety of query and statistical functions, such as trips query, the query schedule to the circumstances of trips required to implement the changes, fare changes and scheduling a sound reporting system has a maintenance function. And statistical analysis system provides a variety of statistical information table, to facilitate customer purchase, but also to facilitate accurate understanding of leading revenue source, etc., and make timely policy adjustments.
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