OpenGL是近几年发展起来的一个性能卓越的三维图形标准,它是在SGI等多家世界闻名的计算机公司的倡导下,以SGI的GL三维图形库为基础制定的一个通用共享的开放式三维图形标准。目前,包括Microsoft、SGI、IBM、DEC、SUN、HP等大公司都采用了OpenGL做为三维图形标准,许多软件厂商也纷纷以OpenGL为基础开发出自己的产品,其中比较著名的产品包括动画制作软件Soft Image和3D Studio MAX、仿真软件Open Inventor、VR软件World Tool Kit、CAM软件ProEngineer、GIS软ARC/INFO等等。值得一提的是,随着Microsoft公司在Windows NT和最新的Windows 95中提供了OpenGL标准及OpenGL三维图形加速卡的推出,OpenGL将在微机中有广泛地应用,同时也为广大用户提供了在微机上使用以前只能在高性能图形工作站上运行的各种软件的机会。
-OpenGL is a recently developed three-dimensional graphics performance standards, it is in the SGI and many other world-famous computer company s initiative to SGI s GL-based three-dimensional graphics library share a common set of open three-dimensional graphics standards. Present, including Microsoft, SGI, IBM, DEC, SUN, HP and other large companies have adopted as a three-dimensional graphics standard OpenGL, many software vendors have to develop their own OpenGL-based products, the more well-known products include animation Soft Image software, and 3D Studio MAX, simulation software, Open Inventor, VR software, World Tool Kit, CAM software, ProEngineer, GIS software ARC/INFO and so on. It is worth mentioning that, with the Microsoft Corporation in the Windows NT and the latest available in Windows 95 OpenGL OpenGL standard and the introduction of three-dimensional graphics accelerator card, OpenGL will be widely used in computer, but also to provide customers in the microcomputers p
-OpenGL is a recently developed three-dimensional graphics performance standards, it is in the SGI and many other world-famous computer company s initiative to SGI s GL-based three-dimensional graphics library share a common set of open three-dimensional graphics standards. Present, including Microsoft, SGI, IBM, DEC, SUN, HP and other large companies have adopted as a three-dimensional graphics standard OpenGL, many software vendors have to develop their own OpenGL-based products, the more well-known products include animation Soft Image software, and 3D Studio MAX, simulation software, Open Inventor, VR software, World Tool Kit, CAM software, ProEngineer, GIS software ARC/INFO and so on. It is worth mentioning that, with the Microsoft Corporation in the Windows NT and the latest available in Windows 95 OpenGL OpenGL standard and the introduction of three-dimensional graphics accelerator card, OpenGL will be widely used in computer, but also to provide customers in the microcomputers p