本章有以下内容:1.什么是易语言 2.如何获取易语言 3.易语言集成开发环境简介 4.一个典型的易程序
Liigo要求大家最好在五分钟之内浏览完本章,不懂的地方直接跳过去,不必深究。——学易语言应该是一个快乐的旅程,不要一开始就给自己太大的压力。很多东西我后面还会无数次的提到,不用担心学不会。本章的任务是对易语言有一个整体的、宏观的印象。 -" Easy language beginners" in this chapter are the following: 1. What is the easy language 2. How to get easy language 3. Easy Introduction to Language Integrated Development Environment 4. A typical program Liigo easily ask you the best view in the finished within five minutes this chapter, do not know where a direct jump, do not get to the bottom.- Easy to learn the language should be a happy journey, not to put too much pressure on yourself. A lot of things behind me, also referred to numerous times, do not worry about not learn. The task of this chapter is an overall easy language, macro impression.
本章有以下内容:1.什么是易语言 2.如何获取易语言 3.易语言集成开发环境简介 4.一个典型的易程序
Liigo要求大家最好在五分钟之内浏览完本章,不懂的地方直接跳过去,不必深究。——学易语言应该是一个快乐的旅程,不要一开始就给自己太大的压力。很多东西我后面还会无数次的提到,不用担心学不会。本章的任务是对易语言有一个整体的、宏观的印象。 -" Easy language beginners" in this chapter are the following: 1. What is the easy language 2. How to get easy language 3. Easy Introduction to Language Integrated Development Environment 4. A typical program Liigo easily ask you the best view in the finished within five minutes this chapter, do not know where a direct jump, do not get to the bottom.- Easy to learn the language should be a happy journey, not to put too much pressure on yourself. A lot of things behind me, also referred to numerous times, do not worry about not learn. The task of this chapter is an overall easy language, macro impression.