• Plot the noisy speech signal both in time-domain and frequency-domain.
• 进行含噪语音信号的时频分析
• Design a proper filter to remove noise from the speech signal.
• 设计合适滤波器进行去噪
• Plot the clean signal both in time-domain and frequency-domain.
• 进行去噪后信号的时频分析
• Design a Reverberator using 4 Comb filters and 2 All-pass filters, as shown in the following Figure, to generate reverberated and reflected sound with the capability of passing it through an equalizer.
• 设计一个混响器(用四个梳状滤波器和两个全通滤波器(下图所示))来产生回声(通过一个均衡器(用于调整频率的补偿和衰减))
-• Plot the noisy speech signal both in time-domain and frequency-domain.
• 进行含噪语音信号的时频分析
• Design a proper filter to remove noise from the speech signal.
• 设计合适滤波器进行去噪
• Plot the clean signal both in time-domain and frequency-domain.
• 进行去噪后信号的时频分析
• Design a Reverberator using 4 Comb filters and 2 All-pass filters, as shown in the following Figure, to generate reverberated and reflected sound with the capability of passing it through an equalizer.
• 设计一个混响器(用四个梳状滤波器和两个全通滤波器(下图所示))来产生回声(通过一个均衡器(用于调整频率的补偿和衰减))
• 进行含噪语音信号的时频分析
• Design a proper filter to remove noise from the speech signal.
• 设计合适滤波器进行去噪
• Plot the clean signal both in time-domain and frequency-domain.
• 进行去噪后信号的时频分析
• Design a Reverberator using 4 Comb filters and 2 All-pass filters, as shown in the following Figure, to generate reverberated and reflected sound with the capability of passing it through an equalizer.
• 设计一个混响器(用四个梳状滤波器和两个全通滤波器(下图所示))来产生回声(通过一个均衡器(用于调整频率的补偿和衰减))
-• Plot the noisy speech signal both in time-domain and frequency-domain.
• 进行含噪语音信号的时频分析
• Design a proper filter to remove noise from the speech signal.
• 设计合适滤波器进行去噪
• Plot the clean signal both in time-domain and frequency-domain.
• 进行去噪后信号的时频分析
• Design a Reverberator using 4 Comb filters and 2 All-pass filters, as shown in the following Figure, to generate reverberated and reflected sound with the capability of passing it through an equalizer.
• 设计一个混响器(用四个梳状滤波器和两个全通滤波器(下图所示))来产生回声(通过一个均衡器(用于调整频率的补偿和衰减))