PID 控制由于算法简单,适应面广,鲁棒性强等优
法[1,2]。采用PID 控制的控制系统在正式投运前必须进
验或一些常规整定公式。1984 年K. J. Astrom 提出了
特征可由极限环的特征确定,然后算出PID 控制的参
数[3 ~ 5]。该方法大量节省了技术人员的工-Since the PID control algorithm is simple, wide adaptation, robustness, etc., is the current process of industrial production the most widely used control algorithm [1,2]. Control system using PID control and put into operation in the formal parameter tuning must be carried out before work, relied heavily on the experience of skilled operators and technical personnel, or some general tuning formula. 1984 KJ Astrom raised in relay feedback controlled process under the observation of limit cycle oscillations, the basic characteristics of the process of the limit cycle characteristics can be determined, and then calculate the PID control parameters [3-5]. This method saves a lot of technical work
法[1,2]。采用PID 控制的控制系统在正式投运前必须进
验或一些常规整定公式。1984 年K. J. Astrom 提出了
特征可由极限环的特征确定,然后算出PID 控制的参
数[3 ~ 5]。该方法大量节省了技术人员的工-Since the PID control algorithm is simple, wide adaptation, robustness, etc., is the current process of industrial production the most widely used control algorithm [1,2]. Control system using PID control and put into operation in the formal parameter tuning must be carried out before work, relied heavily on the experience of skilled operators and technical personnel, or some general tuning formula. 1984 KJ Astrom raised in relay feedback controlled process under the observation of limit cycle oscillations, the basic characteristics of the process of the limit cycle characteristics can be determined, and then calculate the PID control parameters [3-5]. This method saves a lot of technical work