校园导游咨询:编制一个为来访客人进行最短路径导游的程序从厦门大学漳州校区的平面图中选取10个有代表性的景点,抽象成一个无向带权图。以图中顶点表示景点,边上的权值表示两地之间的距离。 2.本程序的目的是为用户提供路径咨询。根据用户指定的始点和终点输出相应路径,或者根据用户指定的景点输出景点的信息。--Campus Tour consulting: the preparation of a shortest path for visiting guests to the program guide from the Zhangzhou Campus of Xiamen University' s plan selected 10 representative sites, the abstract as an undirected weighted graph. To graph vertices represent spots next to the weight that the distance between the two places. 2 The purpose of this program is to provide users with path advice. According to user-specified start point and end point corresponding output path, or attractions based on user-specified output attractions.-