著名网络电话Teltel的外挂拨号器程序,可以实现快速拨通国内外电话的效果,具备电话本管理等功能,可以配合使用teltel软件拨打免费国际国内长途电话。-famous Broadwing network of external telephone dialers procedures can achieve rapid domestic and international telephone calling the results with telephone management functions can be used together TelTel software to make free international and domestic long-distance calls.
压缩包 : 37704拨号器.rar 列表 dialer.cfg dialer.~dpr dialer.dof dialer.dpr dialer.exe dialer.res main.~ddp main.~dfm main.~pas main.dcu main.ddp main.dfm main.pas Project1.cfg Project1.dof Project1.dpr Project1.exe Project1.res teleno.txt Unit1.~ddp Unit1.~dfm Unit1.~pas Unit1.dcu Unit1.ddp Unit1.dfm Unit1.pas 飞天TelTel拨号器.exe