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(1)定义一个CPU类,包含等级(rank)、频率(frequency)、电压(voltage)等属性,有两个公有成员函数run、stop,其中rank为枚举类型CPU_ Rank,定义为enum CPU_ Rank(P1 = 1,P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7),frequency为单位是MHz的整型数,voltage为浮点型的电压值。观察构造函数和析构函数的调用顺序。



-(1) the definition of a CPU class, including level (rank), frequency (have), voltage (the) attribute, two public member function, which rank 6), stop for enumeration type CPU_ rank, defined as enum CPU_ rank (P1 = 1, P2, P3, mp4, system, what do, even if have, for the unit is MHz integer, the type of voltage value for floating point. The structures observed function and destructor call sequence.

(2) define a simple Computer class, data members chip (CPU), memory (ram), and cd-rom (cdrom) and so on, has two public member function, stopo 6), the CPU for CPU type of an object, ram for a object of ram, cdrom as an object of cdrom, the definition and realize this class.

(3) to design a used in personnel management personnel of the People (). Considering the versatility, here only abstract out all type personnel have attributes: number (Numbers), sex (sex), yet (date of birth), id (id), and so on. The "date of birth" is defined as a "date" kind of embedded child objects. With the realizati





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