
  • 所属分类:
  • 其他游戏
  • 资源属性:
  • [Text]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
  • 文件大小:
  • 1kb
  • 下载次数:
  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • 孙**
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(1) 任何时候都能翻转中间的硬币(从正面翻成背面或相反)

(2) 当另外两个硬币都是正面或都是背面的时候能够翻转一端的硬币(从正面翻成背面或相反);


(提示:使用无向图,图中每个顶点代表三个硬币的一种状态(8种状态对应8个顶点,一个状态可用一个字符串表示,如”+ - +”表示了一个中间一个硬币是背面朝上,其他两个硬币是正面朝上的状态);当使用其中一条规则能在两个状态之间来回移动时,就通过一个边连接无向图的两个顶点。该游戏使三个硬币从一种状态改变成另外一种状态,其实就是查找相应两个顶点之间路径的问题,该路径只能沿着边进行。)-Coin Game

  Before the start of the game, three coins on the table will be placed into a straight line. Beginning of the game, is back up the middle of a coin, the other two coins are facing up. Game goal is to change the form of coins placed, face up to the middle of a coin, the other two coins back up. Specific rules are as follows:

(1) any time the middle of the coin flip (translated back from the front or vice versa)

(2) When two coins are on the back when the front or side of the coin to flip (translated back from the front or vice versa) 

Can not flip coins in any other way, such as pan them. However, as long as these rules, you can flip the coin.

(Hint: Use the graph, each vertex in the three coins on behalf of a state (8 states corresponding to the eight vertices, a state can be a string, such as "+-+" represents a middle of a coin is back up, the other two coins are face-up state) When using one of the rules can move back and forth between two states, on the edge




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源码中国 www.ymcn.org