从键盘输入无向图G的顶点个数v及边的个数e。建立有v个顶点、e条边构成的无向图G,采用邻接矩阵表示。V个顶点的值由键盘输入,元素类型为字符型。e条边的信息也由键盘输入。分别调用图的深度优先搜索、广度优先搜索图并输出相应的遍历序列。-Input from the keyboard without the number of vertices to the graph G v and the number of edges e. Establishment of a v vertices, e edges undirected graph consisting of G, with adjacency matrix. V vertex value from keyboard input, the element type of character. e edges of the information is also entered from the keyboard. Call graph, respectively, the depth first search, breadth-first search graph traversal and output the corresponding sequence.
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