
  • 所属分类:
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  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • ranx*****
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设计一个请求页式存储管理方案。并编写模拟程序实现之。产生一个需要访问的指令地址流。它是一系列需要访问的指令的地址。为不失一般性,你可以适当地(用人工指定地方法或用随机数产生器)生成这个序列,使得 50%的指令是顺序执行的。25%的指令均匀地散布在前地址部分,25%的地址是均匀地散布在后地址部分。为简单起见。页面淘汰算法采用 FIFO页面淘汰算法,并且在淘汰一页时,只将该页在页表中抹去。而不再判断它是否被改写过,也不将它写回到辅存。-Design of a requested page storage management solutions. And to prepare implementation of the simulation program. Generate a need to access the instruction address stream. It is a series of instructions need to access the address. Is without loss of generality, you can appropriate (specified in the method or by artificial random number generator) to generate this sequence, making the order of 50 of the instruction is executed. 25 of the instruction address portion evenly spread in the former, 25 of the addresses are evenly spread in the latter part of the address. For simplicity. Page-out algorithm uses FIFO page-out algorithm, and out of page, only the page in the page table will be erased. No longer determine whether it had been rewritten, not to write it back to secondary storage.




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