随着 I n t e r n e t 技术的兴起 , 软件应用系统正在 向分布式的
We b 应用发展, 基于 B / S结构的开发模式已经越来越广泛, 而对
于业务处理繁琐、 客户交互复杂的应用系统 , 三层架构的瘦客户
端模式则是更为适用的方式。开发三层应用的技术有很多, 如:
D e l p h i 、 V i s u a l C++、 V i s u a l B a s i c 、 P o w e r B u i l d e r ( 简称 P B) 等。其
中, 以数据窗口技术为核心的 P o w e r B u i l d e r以其快捷和方便性而
深受众多数据库开发人员的喜爱。-With the rise of I nternet technology, software applications are to the distributed application development We b, based on B/S structure of the development model has become increasingly extensive and complicated for the business processing, customer interaction complex applications, three thin client architecture model is more suitable way. Three-tier application development technology has many, such as: D elphi, V isual C++, V isual B asic, P ower B uilder (abbreviated PB) and so on. Among them, the data window technology as the core of the P ower B uilder while its speed and convenience by many database developers alike.
We b 应用发展, 基于 B / S结构的开发模式已经越来越广泛, 而对
于业务处理繁琐、 客户交互复杂的应用系统 , 三层架构的瘦客户
端模式则是更为适用的方式。开发三层应用的技术有很多, 如:
D e l p h i 、 V i s u a l C++、 V i s u a l B a s i c 、 P o w e r B u i l d e r ( 简称 P B) 等。其
中, 以数据窗口技术为核心的 P o w e r B u i l d e r以其快捷和方便性而
深受众多数据库开发人员的喜爱。-With the rise of I nternet technology, software applications are to the distributed application development We b, based on B/S structure of the development model has become increasingly extensive and complicated for the business processing, customer interaction complex applications, three thin client architecture model is more suitable way. Three-tier application development technology has many, such as: D elphi, V isual C++, V isual B asic, P ower B uilder (abbreviated PB) and so on. Among them, the data window technology as the core of the P ower B uilder while its speed and convenience by many database developers alike.
相关搜索: pb11