- 所属分类:
- 3D图形编程
- 资源属性:
- 上传时间:
- 2012-11-26
- 文件大小:
- 463kb
- 下载次数:
- 0次
- 提 供 者:
- yaosh*****
- 相关连接:
- 无
- 下载说明:
- 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!
3ds Max 9 中文版入门与提高配书光盘
1) 本教学光盘中所有视频文件均采用TSCC视频编码进行压缩,如果发现光盘中的视频不能正确播放,应安装解码器。读者可访问http://www.techsmith.com 网站,在TechSmith官方网站中提供TSCC压缩编码程序的免费下载。在下载并正确安装解码器后,再运行本光盘教学软件,即可正确播放视频文件了。
2) 放入光盘,程序自动运行,或者执行play.exe文件。
3) 本程序运行,要求屏幕分辨率1024 ×768以上,否则程序可能显示不完全或不准确。
4) 有任何疑问可发送邮件 hangxian@163.com 联系。
-Chinese version of 3ds Max 9 with the book entry and raising CD 1) CD-ROM in the teaching of all the video files are compressed using TSCC video encoding, if the video does not find the correct CD-ROM playback, the decoder should be installed. Readers can access the http://www.techsmith.com site, the official website TechSmith TSCC compression program available for free download. After you download and install the correct codec, and then run the CD-ROM educational software, you can play video files properly. 2) into the CD-ROM, the program automatically, or perform play.exe file. 3) The program is running, requiring more than 1024 × 768 screen resolution, otherwise the procedure may appear incomplete or inaccurate. 4) have any questions can send e-mail hangxian@163.com contact.
1) 本教学光盘中所有视频文件均采用TSCC视频编码进行压缩,如果发现光盘中的视频不能正确播放,应安装解码器。读者可访问http://www.techsmith.com 网站,在TechSmith官方网站中提供TSCC压缩编码程序的免费下载。在下载并正确安装解码器后,再运行本光盘教学软件,即可正确播放视频文件了。
2) 放入光盘,程序自动运行,或者执行play.exe文件。
3) 本程序运行,要求屏幕分辨率1024 ×768以上,否则程序可能显示不完全或不准确。
4) 有任何疑问可发送邮件 hangxian@163.com 联系。
-Chinese version of 3ds Max 9 with the book entry and raising CD 1) CD-ROM in the teaching of all the video files are compressed using TSCC video encoding, if the video does not find the correct CD-ROM playback, the decoder should be installed. Readers can access the http://www.techsmith.com site, the official website TechSmith TSCC compression program available for free download. After you download and install the correct codec, and then run the CD-ROM educational software, you can play video files properly. 2) into the CD-ROM, the program automatically, or perform play.exe file. 3) The program is running, requiring more than 1024 × 768 screen resolution, otherwise the procedure may appear incomplete or inaccurate. 4) have any questions can send e-mail hangxian@163.com contact.