本书是一本描述Directx 9.0可编程渲染管线,Shader技术的入门书籍。作者是Frank D. Luna,有丰富的DirectX程序经验,已出版过多本DirectX相关书籍。书中讲解由浅入深,且配合大量实例,是游戏入门书籍的精品!-This book is a descr iption of Directx 9.0 programmable pixel pipelines, Shader technology introduction to books. The author is Frank D. Luna, has a wealth of DirectX programming experience, has published books over the DirectX. The book explain the progressive approach, and with the large number of instances, the game started fine books!
Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX9.0c A Shader Approach.chm