模,尽可能真实地反映航母的运动状况。分析甲板运动带来的理想着舰点的变化,针对舰载机飞行高度进行模糊控制。按照舰载机自动着舰控制系统的大致结构,从内而外依次对自动飞行控制系统、进场功率补偿系统、甲板运动补偿器进行了研究和设计,在Matlab中对其进行完整建模,并通过仿真加以验证。设计模糊PID控制器,利用模糊控制系统对控制器参数进行在线调整,最后通过Matlab仿真,验证该方法可以有效改进舰载机的着舰品质。-According to the aircraft carrier Marine sport has stable random process characteristics, the use of power spectrum model on the modeling, as a true reflection of carriers movement status. Analysis of the deck movement to bring the ship to point ideal for change, the flying height carrier-borne machine fuzzy control. According to the ship carrier-borne machine automatic control system, the general structure of automatic order from inside and outside the flight control system, approach power compensation system, deck sports compensator was studied and design, the in Matlab simulation modeling and complete verified. Design fuzzy PID controller by using fuzzy control system, the controller parameters for online adjustment, the last through Matlab simulation show that the method can effectively improve the quality of the ship carrier-borne machine.
模,尽可能真实地反映航母的运动状况。分析甲板运动带来的理想着舰点的变化,针对舰载机飞行高度进行模糊控制。按照舰载机自动着舰控制系统的大致结构,从内而外依次对自动飞行控制系统、进场功率补偿系统、甲板运动补偿器进行了研究和设计,在Matlab中对其进行完整建模,并通过仿真加以验证。设计模糊PID控制器,利用模糊控制系统对控制器参数进行在线调整,最后通过Matlab仿真,验证该方法可以有效改进舰载机的着舰品质。-According to the aircraft carrier Marine sport has stable random process characteristics, the use of power spectrum model on the modeling, as a true reflection of carriers movement status. Analysis of the deck movement to bring the ship to point ideal for change, the flying height carrier-borne machine fuzzy control. According to the ship carrier-borne machine automatic control system, the general structure of automatic order from inside and outside the flight control system, approach power compensation system, deck sports compensator was studied and design, the in Matlab simulation modeling and complete verified. Design fuzzy PID controller by using fuzzy control system, the controller parameters for online adjustment, the last through Matlab simulation show that the method can effectively improve the quality of the ship carrier-borne machine.